February 2022
OBH featured in DIT’s Digital Health Playbook ‘Beyond 100’
OBH has been featured in the Department for International Trade (DIT) Digital Health Playbook ‘Beyond 100’.
The Digital Health Playbook showcases UK innovators in the fields of Data & Analytics, Systems & Transformation, Healthy Aging. OBH were selected based on our track-record of working collaboratively within Healthcare UK (DIT), our innovation in digital health, and our commitment to export and expand internationally.
Find out more and see the full Playbook here: https://bit.ly/3HnSAQw

May 2021
OBH awarded a prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise!
We are thrilled to reveal that Outcomes Based Healthcare has been awarded a highly prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise, for “outstanding achievements in Innovation”!
Innovation is integral to OBH’s mission to drive health system improvement through measurement and incentivisation of health outcomes. In fact, we haven’t stopped innovating since OBH started 8 years ago… from creating our Segmentation Engine that drives the OBH Outcomes Platform, to developing HEALTHSPAN® as a way of measuring a population’s healthy life span, to supporting the NHS in the pandemic, and our ongoing commitment to supporting the work of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity, #teamOBH really has been busy.
We are so grateful to everyone who has supported us over the years and feel honoured to be part of #TheQueensAwards for Enterprise 2021. Read about why OBH has been awarded a Queen’s Award here – find us on page 30!
Finally, congratulations to all our fellow #QueensAwards winners!

February 2021
Launch of the Population and Person Insight (PaPI) report to improve understanding of patient healthcare needs!
OBH are thrilled to announce the launch of the Population and Person Insight dashboard! #TeamOBH have been working in partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement, and NHS Arden & GEM CSU on a data-driven approach to understanding and deriving meaningful insight into population health. The dashboard has been developed using national datasets – including secondary care, emergency care, community services and specialised services data – to group patients into segments based on common healthcare needs.
Understanding the population by cohorts of those with similar health and care needs is integral to a more person-focussed health system. Using the Bridges to Health segmentation dataset, this tool enables deeper insight into people who are healthy, people with long term conditions, people with disability, as well as those people who are nearer the end of life with cancer, organ failure, frailty and dementia.
The interactive tool contains a series of views so that users can easily explore and interrogate these population segments at a national, regional, system, CCG and PCN level.
With four years’ worth of data, users can also drill down into acute utilisation, cost and outcomes by segment to support service planning and redesign. Visualisations by age, ethnicity, deprivation and socio-demographic classification help to easily identify cohorts for further investigation and analysis.
In response to the current pandemic, a COVID-19 view was also developed with the aim of aiding NHS restoration and recovery programmes by helping systems to identify their vulnerable populations who have one or more ‘at risk’ conditions to inform decision-making around shielding and planning for the largest vaccination programme in the history of the NHS.
Sukhmeet Panesar, Deputy Director of Strategy and Development at NHS England and NHS Improvement said: “The NHS generates a huge amount of data which can be used to drive improvements in care and how services are run. By providing health and care systems with data which is grouped by population segments we can support NHS and local authority leaders to plan effective services and interventions based on meeting the healthcare needs, risks and priorities of their patients and citizens.”
Ayub Bhayat, Chief Data Officer at Arden & GEM said: “The population and person insight report acts as a diagnostic tool for every level of the system, enabling commissioners and providers to spot opportunities for further analysis and intervention. By providing a starting point for population health management approaches, we can then work with local areas to refine the model with their local intelligence and benchmark emerging opportunities.”
Dr Nasrin Hafezparast, Chief Clinical Data Officer at Outcomes Based Healthcare said: “The internationally-recognised Bridges to Health segmentation model provides a person-centred approach. By using this approach as the foundation for the new report we can categorise the entire population of 62 million people into eight segments, with 55 subsegment or condition registries on a monthly basis, over the past 4 years. It includes a first ever view of population-level healthy life span, or HEALTHSPAN®. The report also incorporates feedback from a wide range of groups including clinicians to ensure the data is meaningful.”
The report, which was launched on 15 February, is available to healthcare commissioners and providers within the NHS ViewPoint analytical application.
For more information about the report, and the wider population and person insight workstream, visit the dedicated FutureNHS workspace.

October 2020
OBH awarded supplier status on G-Cloud 12!
We are very happy to announce that the Government’s Crown Commercial Service has again awarded Outcomes Based Healthcare supplier status on the latest Digital Marketplace platform, G-Cloud 12!
The OBH® Outcomes Platform is available as a Cloud Software Service & provides users with person-centred health outcome measures at a population and cohort/condition level, including OBH’s core prevention outcomes: HEALTHSPAN®. The Platform is powered by OBH’s® Segmentation Engine – an essential, core backbone for population health management data analytics work across different local NHS & local authority organisations, and their health and care partners. The Segmentation Engine is now also available as a ‘stand alone’ module, for more experienced NHS & local authority analytical teams, who wish to incorporate population segmentation datasets into their existing analytics work.
Based on the foundations of the Bridges to Health segmentation model, both solutions provide person-centred, meaningful insights for specific population segments & care pathways.
Find us on G-Cloud 12:
-OBH® Outcomes Platform (https://lnkd.in/daaNepF)
-OBH® Segmentation Engine (https://lnkd.in/dyU7wJf)

August 2020
National HealthSpan and Lifespan modelling in the UK features in Longevity Trends 2020 Report!
Published by the Longevity Leaders in August 2020, the report summarises the most important trends in longevity research to date that businesses, policy makers, scientists and the general population should be aware of.
Having recently presented at the Longevity Leaders World Congress 2020 on National HealthSpan and Lifespan modelling in the UK, CEO Rupert’s presentation was summarised in this edition of the Longevity Trends Report. Making reference to OBH’s objective HEALTHSPAN® measure which monitors population-level changes in the proportion of life spent in good health, the whitepaper highlights the importance of applying an objective approach to measuring individual health status, covering whole populations.
With evidence suggesting that more people are being diagnosed with significant long-term conditions earlier in their lives, and living with them for longer than we had previously thought, measuring the progression of ill health and population level changes over a life course has never been more important.
Read the full report here.

June 2020
Rupert speaks at the Longevity Leaders World Congress on National HealthSpan and Lifespan modelling in the UK!
In keeping with the somewhat virtual world most of us continue to live in, CEO Rupert spoke at the Longevity Leaders World Congress 2020 via livestream this week on the topic of “Data-dive: National HEALTHSPAN® and Lifespan modelling in the UK”!
OBH recently contributed to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity ‘The Health of the Nation’ national strategy for #HealthierLongerLives, and Rupert discussed the importance of applying an objective approach to measuring individual health status, covering whole populations. This evidence suggests that more people are being diagnosed with significant long-term conditions earlier in their lives, and living with them for longer than we had previously thought. So measuring the progression of ill health and population level changes over a life course has never been more important.
Using routinely collected, linked longitudinal health and care data, from multiple ‘real world’ care settings, OBH’s objective HEALTHSPAN® measure monitors population-level changes in the proportion of life spent in good health.
More information here!

February 2020
Launch of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity national strategy for #HealthierLongerLives!
OBH are delighted to have contributed to the APPG ‘The Health of the Nation’ national strategy for #HealthierLongerLives, launched in February 2020!
OBH’s objective HEALTHSPAN® and HEALTHY LIFESPAN® Index measures use routinely collected, population-level, linked longitudinal health & care data across multiple care settings. These accurately measure the proportion of people’s lives which are spent in good health – either at national, regional or local level. By applying such metrics at a population level, we are able to gain a comprehensive and objective understanding of the health of the nation. This includes the health and care expenditure associated with improvements or deteriorations in HEALTHSPAN.
We look forward to continuing to support this fantastic work to meet the government’s mission of five extra healthy years by 2035, ensuring a renewed focus on the prevention of ill-health, while narrowing the gap between richest and poorest.
Read the full report here: https://appg-longevity.org/events-publications.

September 2019
OBH selected for Health Data Research Sandbox!
We are very excited to announce that OBH has been selected to participate in the Health Data Research UK Sandbox!
The initial phase of the programme will involve the use of linked, longitudinal health data to measure and validate OBH’s HEALTHSPAN and HEALTHY LIFESPAN index measures.
Health Data Research UK is the national institute for health data science with a mission to align the UK’s health data to enable discoveries that improve people’s lives. The Health Data Research UK Sandbox is a virtual testing environment for products, services, innovations or knowledge that require access to large scale data to improve the health of patients and the population. The Sandbox will provide test cases for a government initiative, delivered by Health Data Research UK, to transform access to the UK’s health data – safely and securely – for research that could pioneer new and faster treatments for patients and find new cures for diseases.
We are delighted to have been selected and look forward to being involved in this exciting programme!

May 2019
CEO Rupert invited to join the Strategic Advisory Board for the All Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity
We are delighted to announce that in April, CEO Rupert was invited to join the Strategic Advisory Board for the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Longevity, chaired by Lord Filkin.
The APPG aims to address the scientific, technological and socio-economic issues related to the growing ageing demographic to promote living younger, healthier and longer lives, in line with the Industrial Strategy Grand Challenges. The group will facilitate a cross-disciplinary exchange about the advantages of longevity within an ethical, citizen-centred framework, and develop practical guidance and recommendations for the UK government.
At the first Strategic Advisory Board Meeting, Rupert was invited to speak about OBH’s work identifying the ‘currently healthy’ population, and the measurement of outcomes for this specific population group. Whilst health and care systems have generally succeeded in prolonging life in recent years, a whole population, objective, system-level understanding as to whether or not these ‘extra years’ have been lived in good health has yet to be determined. Rupert conveyed the importance of metrics such as HEALTHSPAN and HEALTHY LIFESPAN INDEX in addressing the unsustainable rise of health and care costs. Such metrics are excellent markers of prevention and indicators of progress in achieving several key national targets.

April 2019
COO Juliana to give a keynote speech at the HIMMS Hospitalar Forum in Sao Paulo, and joins Department for International Trade on a trade mission to Brazil
We are excited to announce that COO Juliana will be giving a keynote speech under the Health Analytics vertical on 24th of May 2019 at HIMSS Hospitalar focusing on “Digital Health – Prediction, Prevention and Precision Care”. She will share OBH’s experience in the UK and discuss the application of population segmentation and advanced analytics to measure HEALTHY LIFESPAN. The event remains the most influential event in the Latin American healthcare segment, exhibiting over 1,200 companies and 85,000 delegates from 50 countries, discussing the latest innovations in health and care.
Whilst in Brazil, Juliana has also been invited to attend several meetings with key local stakeholders, facilitated by the DIT Brazil together with the UK Consulate in Sao Paulo. We are delighted for Juliana to have the opportunity to join another international mission, and would like to thank DIT Brazil for their ongoing support.

March 2019
CEO Rupert speaks at IBM Watson event on AI and Data Analytics
In March, CEO Rupert spoke at the IBM Watson Health event on the role of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics in transforming healthcare.
Rupert discussed the importance of linking clinical, cost and operational datasets to ensure timely outcomes reporting, as well as how the unlocking of data could help achieve better, informed care decisions across pathways. He also emphasised the need to measure outcomes for healthy populations in addition to those who are already being treated for an illness, stating that this was an essential step forward in the proactive analysis required in order to effectively implement targeted prevention strategies.
The event, hosted at the King’s Fund and delivered in partnership with IBM Watson Health, discussed the latest opportunities that science and technology can bring to health and care, including their role in actioning the government’s focus on prevention outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan.

January 2019
CEO Rupert speaks at NHSE Population Health Management Community of Practice Event
In December, Rupert spoke at the third Community of Practice event for population health management leads across ICSs, organised by NHS England’s System Transformation Group.
The event began with updates from the group, followed by the keynote session focusing on enablers and outcomes of integrating health and social care at an international level. The afternoon sessions allowed delegates to participate in a variety of workshops, with topics including the measuring of health outcomes, the role of an integrated care record in supporting PHM, as well as segmentation and integration.
Speaking specifically on the measurement of health outcomes, Rupert discussed the particular segmentation requirements for outcome measurement. This included how OBH ‘segments’ populations using a version of the Bridges to Health model, built around the unique features of NHS health and care data. This evolved into an interesting discussion around child health and young adults, notably on how population segmentation requirements may fundamentally differ for this cohort.

December 2018
The official launch of the OBH Clinical Associates Network!
This December saw the official launch of the OBH Clinical Associates Network!
CEO Rupert spoke to a full house as he welcomed everyone to the event, beginning with a brief overview of our work on value, outcomes and population segmentation across the NHS over the last 5 years. This was followed by presentations from our two guest speakers. Ivan Beckley (UCL Medical student, MSc Data science) firstly discussed his incredible journey so far as a medical student, including his experience as an intern at OBH, as well as his thoughts on AI and it’s role within the future of the NHS. Toby Colgate-Stone (Consultant Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon and OBH Clinical Associate) then followed, providing a fascinating talk around his work at King’s College Foundation Trust, discussing ways in which he has seen and experienced the implementation of value on the front-line.
It was fantastic to see so many people interested in being part of the value-based community in the UK. We look forward to hosting our next Clinical Associates Network event soon!
If you are a clinician/medical student interested in joining the OBH Clinical Associates Network, visit the page on our website to find out more.

November 2018
CEO Rupert speaks at King’s Fund Annual Conference
CEO Rupert joined IBM’s Chief Health Officer Dr Kyu Rhee, IBM’s Chief Medical Officer Dr Mark Davies and IBM’s Senior Healthcare Consultant, Alan Campbell in a panel discussion on the first day of the King’s Fund Annual Conference.
With a specific focus on the way in which NHS England’s Health Systems Support Framework can support population health and integrated care, the panel discussed data and analytics readiness, data governance challenges, and the importance of including the entire population and their needs in that analysis. Following the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care’s Prevention Strategy, an important focus on primary prevention for people who are currently in good health was also discussed. Using data analysis techniques such as machine learning and AI, integrated care systems can have the insights that will enable them to understand those most at risk of developing long-term conditions, for example, and interventions that are most likely to delay their onset of chronic conditions.
The session was part of the two-day King’s Fund conference focusing on population and public health, finance and funding, integrated care systems and the relationship between the public and the NHS.

November 2018
OBH’s Official Clinical Associates Network Launch Event!
We are excited to announce that we our hosting our first ever Clinical Associates Network event! A great opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and learn more about value-based payments, outcomes measurement and HEALTHSPAN.
There will be a brief presentation on value-based healthcare and outcomes, as well as an overview of OBH’s current work (including HealthSpan) with the NHS. Guests will then hear from two current members of the network, Dr Toby Colgate-Stone (Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon at King’s College Hospital) and Ivan Beckley (UCL Medical student and former OBH intern) and hear their thoughts on current value and outcomes work in the UK and the future of the NHS.
If you’re already a member or a clinician/medical student interested in our work at OBH, register here and join us on Tuesday 4th December from 5-8pm at the King’s Fund!
The OBH Clinical Associates Network is formed of clinicians and medical students who are dedicated to growing the value-based community in the UK and globally.

October 2018
Our new ‘Outcomes Library’ fresh and hot off the press!
In October we published our ‘Outcomes Library’; a longlist of outcome measures grouped by population segment.
With 122 outcomes, the extensive list allows health systems to select, vote and prioritise outcomes to develop locally configured Outcomes Frameworks. OBH’s Outcomes Platform provides the numbers for each outcome on the framework on a monthly, and near real-time basis.
Each outcome measure has been fully developed and validated either by OBH or from an existing national source, for use at local level. The library contains Clinical Social Outcome Measures, using existing linked, local data from administrative and clinical systems across multiple care settings, now including HEALTHSPAN too!
Download the Outcomes Library here.

September 2018
Rupert part of Matt Hancock’s Healthtech Delegation at World Economic Forum, China
A productive, inspiring week for our CEO Rupert at the World Economic Forum in China, showcasing innovation and collaboration in Digital Health on an international scale!
With enlightening sessions on the Future of Healthcare and Machine Learning, as well as discussion with Secretary of State Matt Hancock, the event firmly reinforced the power of some of the UK’s leading HealthTech SMEs in the use of technology to improve prevention and empowerment.
A fantastic step in ensuring better health outcomes and sustainable costs of care, emphasising the importance of prevention and ensuring people never become ‘patients’ in the first place. Through systematic measurement, understanding and improvement of HEALTHY LIFESPAN and HEALTHSPAN, sustainable life costs of care can become a reality and allow health systems to reduce the lifetime burden of ill health.
Great news for OBH and the sustainability of our healthcare system for generations to come!

September 2018
Nasrin and Rupert speak at NHS Expo 2018
The NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo is a celebration of innovation and collaboration in the NHS and industry, made even more special this year with the commemoration of the NHS’s 70th birthday.
Featuring exhibitors and talks from all aspects and areas of health and care, including a talk from current Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, who highlighted the fortified health tech ecosystems we could create by including SMEs and health tech innovations in our care systems.
Day 1 of the expo saw our CTO Nasrin sitting in a techUK panel on how we can make the most of the data in the NHS, and spoke more in depth on data for outcomes based approaches and population health management, and HealthSpan!
On day 2, CEO Rupert shared his experiences of being a part of the NHS Innovation Accelerator and sat on a panel with IBM on integrated care and population health management.

August 2018
HealthSpan featured in The Times!
If you’ve been following us lately you’ll know that we recently launched our novel suite of outcome measures: HEALTHSPAN!
We’re very excited about the potential HEALTHSPAN holds to help keep people healthy longer and make health systems more sustainable. We believe HEALTHSPAN is arguably one of the most important population outcomes that health and care systems should be measuring, so we’re delighted that its importance has been picked up by The Times.
“As we progress our plans to more integrated health and care services across England, I would encourage anyone involved in planning, paying for or delivering health services to start measuring HEALTHSPAN,” said Jonty Heaversedge, medical director for primary care and digital transformation at NHS England(London).
In case you missed what HEALTHSPAN is about, it is a novel suite of metrics that provide a unique way of measuring the health of a population that we’ve worked hard on refining.

June 2018
Paying for what matters most: the future of outcomes-based payments in healthcare
CEO Rupert recently wrote an article featured in the Future Healthcare Journal, “Paying for what matters most: the future of outcomes-based payments in healthcare.” With debates on how to implement outcomes-based approaches increasing, Rupert addresses many of the surrounding questions, problems with the status quo, and how we can get outcomes-based payments off the ground.
It is already clear that outcomes tend to be more stable over time than quality process measures. Nobody with diabetes wants a stroke now, or in ten years time. But new population metrics are required for us to create healthy and financially sustainable health systems. As Rupert puts it, “Unless improvements in life expectancy are more than matched by improvements in people’s ‘healthspans’, then lifetime costs of care will only continue to escalate unsustainably. However, it is extremely hard to improve what is not measured. In this context, the need to develop and agree on a definitive, population-level measure of ‘healthspan’ has never been more pressing.”
Measures that reflect the proportion of a person’s life span which is spent predominantly healthy would make excellent markers of the success of primary prevention, and are essential to the achieving sustainability of health and care systems. Read more of what Rupert has to say on it here.

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